2020 renewals News

SCOR CEO Expects Double-Digit Reinsurance Rate Hikes in January Renewals

Reinsurance rates are likely to rise in the double-digit percentage point range at key contract renewals in January, Denis Kessler, chairman and chief executive of the French reinsurer SCOR, said on Wednesday. SCOR, one of the world’s largest reinsurers, has …

Reinsurers ‘Smoothly’ Navigated April Renewals, Despite Working from Home: Willis Re

Reinsurers were able to complete the April renewals smoothly, despite being forced to move to the new working-from-home model after the COVID-19 outbreak, according to Willis Re. “The global reinsurance market has shown immediate resilience to operating under the challenge …

Zurich Sees Hardening Rates, Improving Terms – in Market Not Seen Since 2002

Zurich Insurance Group AG expects to have more power to increase commercial insurance rates than it has seen in almost two decades as a shortage of supply and high natural catastrophe payouts help reverse declining premiums. “The last time this …

Carpenter’s Global Property Catastrophe Index Rises by 5% in January Renewals

Pricing corrections in the property catastrophe reinsurance market over the last few years have been localized and mitigated to some extent by sufficient levels of capacity, according to Guy Carpenter in its January reinsurance renewal report. As a result, pricing …