2021 catastrophes News

Trans-Siberian Railway Bridge Resumes Operations After Repair of Flood Damages

MOSCOW — Russia said on Tuesday it had fully restored train travel over a Trans-Siberian railway bridge in its far east that was damaged last week by floods. The world’s longest railway is a strategic transport artery for Russia’s economy, …

Update: China’s Financial Hub of Shanghai at Virtual Standstill as Typhoon Makes Landfall

Typhoon In-Fa, the powerful storm battering regions around Shanghai, has forced some of the world’s biggest shipping ports to halt operations until at least Tuesday. All of Shanghai’s ports and some in neighboring regions remain shut after closing over the …

Flooding Damages Bridge on Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railway, Blocking Traffic

MOSCOW – Flooding has damaged a bridge on Russia’s Trans-Siberian railway in its Far East, suspending traffic in the area, officials said on Friday, and President Vladimir Putin said full track repair would take five days. The world’s longest railway …

Germany’s Floods Will See ‘Sizable’ Protection Gap. Could Insurance Demand Increase?

With an insured price tag of €4 billion to €5 billion (US$4.7 billion to $5.9 billion), economic losses from Germany’s recent floods are likely to be significantly higher, which highlights a sizable insurance “protection gap.” This protection gap – or …

Deadly Floods in China, Europe Send Stark Reminder of Climate Change Vulnerabilities

Deadly floods that have upended life in both China and Germany have sent a stark reminder that climate change is making weather more extreme across the globe. At least 25 people in the central Chinese province of Henan died on …

China’s Henan Province Braces for More Rain After Severe Floods Kill at Least 33

China’s Henan province is bracing for more heavy rain after severe flooding that sparked large-scale evacuations left at least 33 dead, while minor disruptions to manufacturing and commodity production continued. The death toll includes at least 12 people who were …

Update: China Province Deluged by 1,000-Year Flood, with Rising Death Toll

BEIJING – At least least 25 people have died in China’s flood-stricken central province of Henan, a dozen of them in a subway line in its capital Zhengzhou, and more rains are forecast for the region. About 100,000 people have …

German Floods Will Be Expensive but Unlikely to Burn Through Insurers’ Earnings: Fitch

The recent severe floods in Germany could add up to 5 percentage points to German non-life insurers’ net combined ratios (net claims and expenses to net premiums), according to Fitch Ratings. The insured losses are likely to be Germany’s highest …

Death Toll from European Floods Rises Above 180

The death toll from flooding in Western Europe climbed above 180 on Sunday after rescue workers dug deeper into debris left by receding waters. Police put the toll from the hard-hit Ahrweiler area of western Germany’s Rhineland-Palatinate state at more …

Germany Reels from Flood ‘Catastrophe’; Insurers Expect Costly Claims for 2021

Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged swift help backed by “all the power of the state” for people affected by devastating flooding in western Germany, where at least 42 people have died and dozens are missing. Following heavy rain Wednesday night into …