2023 air crashes News

Last Year Was Safest Ever to Fly, With No Jetliner Fatalities

Last year was the safest ever for commercial flying by a number of measures, the airline industry’s global lobby said, with no fatal accidents involving passenger jets in 37.7 million flights. No hull losses to passenger jets were recorded either, …

Nepal Plane Crash Probe Shows Both Engines Lost Power: News Report

A Yeti Airlines plane that crashed in Nepal last month had no engine power during its final moments, the Hindustan Times reported, citing a government-appointed panel investigating the accident. Analysis of the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder showed …

Nepal Plane Crash Data Box Sent to France for Analysis

POKHARA, Nepal (AP) — Nepalese authorities on Tuesday began returning to families the bodies of plane crash victims and were sending the aircraft’s data recorder to France for analysis as they try to determine what caused the country’s deadliest air …

Nepal Locates Black Boxes of Aircraft After Deadliest Crash in 30 Years

KATHMANDU, Jan 16 (Reuters) – Searchers found the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder on Monday from a passenger flight that crashed, killing at least 70 people in Nepal’s worst plane accident for 30 years, officials said. The data …