450 structures damaged News

Company Tied to Deadly Houston Warehouse Explosion Files for Bankruptcy

A company filed for bankruptcy on Feb. 6 in the wake of a massive explosion at one of its warehouses in Houston that killed two workers, injured 20 more and damaged hundreds of buildings. Watson Grinding and Manufacturing said it …

Electrical Spark Likely Caused Deadly Houston Blast, ATF Says

An electrical spark likely ignited a gas leak that led to a massive explosion in Houston last week, killing two workers, injuring 20 others and damaging hundreds of buildings, law enforcement officials said. Highly flammable propylene gas started leaking in …

450 Structures Damaged by Houston Warehouse Blast, Assessment Finds

An updated assessment of the impact of a massive explosion at a warehouse in Houston that killed two workers and injured 20 others shows that 450 structures, mostly homes, were damaged. The new total is more than double the initial …

CEO Retreats on Pledge to Fix All Homes Damaged in Houston Blast

The head of a company involved in a massive explosion in Houston that killed two workers and injured 20 others on Jan. 28 backtracked on a pledge he had made earlier in the day to fix the hundreds of structures …