6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals News

Group of Ohio State Sex Abuse Survivors Appeal Lawsuit Dismissal

The inappropriate behavior of a long-dead Ohio State team doctor went unrecognized as sexual abuse until only recently and hence a deadline for suing the university over the abuse has not passed, a group of survivors argue in appeals of …

Court Allows $30M Tennessee Hoverboard Fire Suit Against Amazon to Proceed

A Tennessee family can press its lawsuit against online retailer Amazon over a hoverboard fire that destroyed their home, an appeals court has ruled, saying the company was aware of complaints about the devices catching fire and exploding. The 6th …

Kentucky Court: Mine-Safety Laws Don’t Apply to Subcontractors

Kentucky’s mine-safety laws and regulations didn’t apply to a subcontract worker who died while installing a massive garage door on a building at a mine site in Muhlenberg County, the state’s Supreme Court ruled Oct. 29. David McCarty died when …