8th circuit court of appeals News

8th Circuit: Arkansas Law Allows Malpractice Action to Proceed Before Underlying Suit is Resolved

Legal malpractice claims usually aren’t filed until after somebody loses a lawsuit. But what happens when the underlying dispute hasn’t been resolved, but a litigant has to hire new counsel to clean up mistakes that were made during discovery? A …

8th Circuit: Insurer Owes Nothing to Arkansas Man Who Lied on Proof of Loss Statement

After his house burned down in 2015, Rick Merechka turned in a sworn proof of loss statement telling his insurance company that the replacement value of his household goods was $607,640. But in December 2010, Merechka and his wife at …

8th Circuit: Late Notice Bars Coverage Under Arkansas District’s ‘Claims-Made’ Policy

Ace American Insurance Co. is not liable for the approximately $250,000 that an Arkansas school district paid to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit because the district did not notify the insurer about a complaint against it until more than six …

Court Upholds Immunity in Case of Iowa Officer Who Stomped on Suspect’s Ankle

A Davenport, Iowa, police officer who stomped on the ankle of a suspect used unreasonable force but cannot be held liable for doing so, a federal appeals court ruled on July 9. The 2015 stomp by officer Brian Stevens allegedly …

Collapsed Cave Not a Covered ‘Building’ Under Policy, Appeals Court Says

Interstate Underground Warehouse & Storage operates more than 3 million square feet of storage space inside a cave that was once a limestone mine just outside of Kansas City, Mo. The company’s website touts the constant 60-degree temperature inside its …

Court Blocks Parts of Restrictive Missouri Health Care Navigator Law

An appeals court has ruled that Missouri can’t limit health insurance navigators’ ability to help people obtain insurance under President Barack Obama’s health care law — a ruling that advocates say could have implications for other states that have instituted …