9/11 responders News

New York Court Officer Wins 9/11 Workers’ Compensation Benefits on Appeal

On the morning of September 11, 2001, Robert Liotta was at his job as a senior court officer at 100 Centre Street in New York City when not far away terrorists attacked the World Trade Center. Right away, he began …

New York to Ensure Benefits Continue for 9/11 Volunteers

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Monday that the 2016-17 state budget includes $9 million to cover the cost of lost wages and health care expenses for volunteers who contracted illnesses at the World Trade Center site following the terror …

Uncertainty Reigns Over Future of 9/11 Health Programs

Two federal programs that promised billions of dollars in compensation and medical care to sick 9/11 responders and survivors are set to expire next year, meaning a new round of uncertainty for people exposed to the toxic dust that fell …

9/11 Responders Far From NYC Seek Compensation

They weren’t exposed to anywhere near the same level of ash, grit and fumes, but emergency workers who rushed to the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania countryside on 9/11 are signing up for the same compensation and health benefits being given …

Government to Cover Cancer Treatment for 9/11 Responders

The 70,000 surviving firefighters, police officers and other first responders who raced to the World Trade Center after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 will be entitled to free monitoring and treatment for some 50 forms of cancer. The National …