ABI News

British Insurers, Business Heavyweights Support UK Legal Reform Bill

A number of British retailers and business groups have joined forces with the Association of British Insurers (ABI) in support of an omnibus bill, introduced in Parliament in July. The legislation, entitled the “Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders …

Insurers Contribute over $17 Billion to UK Economy

The Association of British Insurers notes that the industry made a “total contribution of £10.4 billion [$17.21 billion] to the Exchequer – which would cover the entire £10.2 billion [$16.9 billion] Home Office budget. Insurance companies in the Hundred Group …

Travel Insurers Pay $7 Million a Week to Stricken UK Travelers Says ABI

Travel insurance has become an essential adjunct for UK residents heading abroad on vacations. According to the Association of British Insurers, travel insurance companies pay on average £5.3 million [$7.26 million a week to those who fall ill or have …

UK Insurers Welcome PM’s Pledge on Compensation Scheme

The UK’s insurance industry “has welcomed Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement that the Riot Act police compensation schemes will operate as normal and has promised to use its expertise to help the government and police authorities implement the scheme,” according …

ABI Assures UK Business Owners of Insurance Coverage for Riot Losses

Along with its recap of the applicable provisions of UK law covering damages caused by riots, the Association of British Insurers also issued a special letter to business owners. The ABI expressed its sympathy for those “who have suffered damage …

ABI Explains UK Riot Coverage; Damages Estimated to Exceed $162 Million

The Association of British Insurers has issued a set of guidelines and an explanation of the insurance coverage incident to the recent riots in London and other UK cities. The ABI estimates that insured losses and damage suffered by individuals …

ABI Reacts to London Riots; Details of Insurance Coverage

Nick Starling, Director of General Insurance and Health, of the Association of British Insurers, issued the following statement following the third night of rioting, looting and the massive destruction of property in London. “We have every sympathy for residents and …

UK’s ABI Details Increase in Fraudulent Claims – $29 Million per Week

The Association of British Insurers reports that the UK’s insurance companies are “detecting more fraudulent claims than ever: over 2,500 worth £18 million [$29.446 million] every week.” A number of those claims border on the bizarre. Highlights of the record …

UK’s ABI Launches Insurance Fraud Database

The Association of British Insurers has underlined its members’ determination to actively pursue the fraudsters and cheaters who cost the UK’s insurers £2 billion [$3.22 billion] a year in fraudulent claims, which add an “extra £44 [$70.90] a year to …

ABI Warns of Potential Duplication in Regulatory Reform

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has issued a call for “for better co-ordination between the new financial regulatory authorities, with the emphasis on transparency and accountability and a focus on positive consumer outcomes.” The Association is concerned that regulatory …