ACA enrollment News

Today Is Deadline for 2016 Healthcare Enrollment Under Obamacare

Rising premiums and shaken faith among insurers have cast a cloud over sign-up season for President Barack Obama’s health care law, and now it’s crunch time again. Tuesday is the deadline for millions of uninsured procrastinators to sign up in …

Affordable Care Act Marketplaces Enroll 9.9 Million

About 9.9 million people got health insurance coverage through the marketplaces set up by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as of June 30, a decline from earlier in the year though still higher than the Obama administration’s target. …

11.4 Million People Enroll Under Affordable Care Act: Obama

About 11.4 million people signed up for Obamacare or renewed their coverage for 2015, raising the possibility that enrollment may surpass the administration’s goal in the second year of the program. Enrollment closed Feb. 15 for coverage through health plans …

Obamacare Day 3: High Demand, Enrollment Glitches Persist

Americans trying to find out how much health coverage will cost under Obamacare endured a third day of limited access to new online health insurance exchanges on Thursday, leading to a growing backlog of people waiting to enter the system. …