ACA repeal News

Here Is a Section-by-Section Summary of Republicans’ Health Care Act

The following summary of the American Health Care Act, meant as a repeal and replacement for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), has been prepared by the Republican staff of the House Committee on Ways and Means. A copy can also …

Obamacare Foe, Former Surgeon Price Sworn In as Health Secretary

Tom Price was sworn in as U.S. secretary of health on Friday, putting in place a determined opponent of Obamacare to help President Donald Trump dismantle his predecessor’s law and reshape the nation’s healthcare system. The Senate voted 52-47 earlier …

Health Insurers in Limbo Due to Uncertainty Around Affordable Care Act

Obamacare looks like it’s going away. Until that happens, big health insurers aren’t sure what to do with it. Republicans and President Donald Trump haven’t given details on how they’ll repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Uncertainty about the …

Ohioans Concerned About Repeal of Federal Health Law

Ohio advocates of the federal health care law targeted by President-elect Donald Trump and congressional Republicans said that repeal would jeopardize insurance coverage for as many as 1 million Ohioans by 2019 and hurt families and businesses. Their warnings came …

As GOP Seeks Repeal, Louisiana Governor Defends Medicaid Expansion

Gov. John Bel Edwards is outlining his defense for Louisiana’s Medicaid expansion, pushing back on Republican work in Congress to dismantle the federal health law that created the program. The Democratic governor is highlighting the health services people have received …

Senate to Begin Repealing Obamacare This Week: McConnell

The U.S. Senate will take its first steps toward repealing President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare reform act by the end of the week, Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday. Speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” McConnell said: …

Republicans Ready to Repeal Obamacare, Work Out Replacement Later

The first major act of the unified Republican government in 2017 will be a vote in Congress to begin tearing down Obamacare. But the euphoria of finally acting on a long-sought goal will quickly give way to the reality that …

Fitch Assesses Election Impact on Health Insurance Market

The election that saw Donald Trump win the presidency and the Republican Party retain control of both houses of congress will significantly increase the probability of the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), says Fitch Ratings. Repeal …