Accenture News

Efma & Accenture Invite Entries for 2nd Annual Innovation in Insurance Awards

Efma and Accenture have issued a joint call for entries for the second annual Innovation in Insurance Awards, with insurance and bancassurance companies invited to submit their entries by March 8, 2017. The Innovation in Insurance Awards are a global …

Corporations Have ‘Alarmingly High’ Failure Rate with Their Cyber Defenses: Accenture

About one-third of targeted attempts to breach corporations’ cyber defenses succeed but three-quarters of executives remain unaccountably confident in their security strategies, Accenture Plc. reported Wednesday in a survey of 2,000 security officers representing large enterprises worldwide. The “alarmingly high” …

Internet of Things Is Industry Disruptor that Could Benefit Innovators: Efma Report

The steady advance of the internet of things (IoT) presents a huge number of opportunities for insurers – as well as threats, according to a digest published by Efma*. The rise in connected homes, connected cars and the use of …

Data Theft by Employees Affects 69% of Businesses: Accenture Survey

As businesses spend billions of dollars a year trying to protect their data from hacking that’s costing trillions, they face another threat closer to home: data theft by their own employees. That’s one of the findings in a survey to …

Nominations Announced for 1st Efma-Accenture Innovation in Insurance Awards

Nominations have been announced for the first Efma-Accenture Innovation in Insurance awards, launched this year to identify and award the most innovative insurance initiatives and projects around the world. Efma received submissions of 224 innovations from 148 institutions in 37 …

Global Insurance Fintech Investment Grew by 237% in 2015: Accenture Research

While insurance historically has been a laggard in the fintech race, it is increasingly a high-growth investment area in the fintech field, according to research from Accenture. Accenture’s fintech research reveals that the overall increase in global insurance investment levels …

UK’s Towergate Hires Accenture to Manage IT Infrastructure Transformation

Towergate, Europe’s largest independently owned insurance intermediary, is undertaking an IT infrastructure transformation across its entire business to address challenges posed by legacy systems and lack of integration and has chosen Accenture as its strategic service provider. The transformation program …

Efma & Accenture Launch Global ‘Innovation in Insurance’ Award Program

Efma, a Paris-based association of 3,300 financial services companies from more than 130 countries, and Accenture have launched “Innovation in Insurance,” a program that aims to identify and award the most innovative insurance initiatives and projects around the world. The …

Insurers Face Risks of Declining Customer Loyalty, Tech-Savvy Firms: Accenture

Insurers are not keeping up with rising customer expectations and will need to offer more innovative products and ally with some nontraditional partners to catch up and to keep more digital-savvy firms from stealing their business, a report from consulting …

The ‘Switching’ Economy: Consumers Open to Buying Insurance from Google, Amazon, Verizon

New global research finds that as many as two-thirds (67 percent) of insurance customers would consider purchasing insurance products from organizations other than insurers, including 23 percent who would consider buying from online service providers such as Google and Amazon. …