additional insured News

Renovation at the Deli, Part 2

If you didn’t read last week’s post, Renovation at the Deli; A Story About Additional Insureds, go ahead and do that now. It’ll give you the background on this week’s post. When Frank (the deli owner) asked to be additional …

Renovation at the Deli; A Story About Additional Insureds

One of the primary questions that have to be asked about an insurance policy is: who is an insured? Every policy has language that defines and limits who is eligible to find coverage there. On the CGL policy, the question …

The ‘Primary and Noncontributory’ Tool Or Why this Requirement Should Disappear

Upper tier contractors seek to avoid, through the use of various transfer mechanisms, the financial costs that can result from bodily injury or property damage to a third party caused or contributed to by other parties (lower tier contractors). In …