Affordable Care Act costs News

Growth in U.S. Healthcare Spending Slowed in 2016: CMS

In 2016, overall growth in national spending on healthcare slowed in 2016, increasing 4.3 percent following 5.8 percent growth in 2015, according to a report by actuaries with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Following Affordable Care Act …

Blue Cross Seeks 34% Rate Hike in North Carolina for ACA Plans

North Carolina’s largest health insurer says higher-than-anticipated costs after two years of selling federally subsidized coverage has forced it to seek premium increases even greater than it thought would be necessary two months ago. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of …

Here’s What’s Happening to Healthcare Costs for Typical Family

The cost of healthcare for a typical American family of four will rise about 6.3 percent this year, or $1,456, driven in great measure by higher prescription drug prices. The latest study by the consulting and actuarial firm Milliman Inc. …

Affordable Care Act Cost Estimate Drops Due to Lower Subsidies, Enrollment

U.S. Congressional forecasters on Monday once again cut their estimate of Affordable Care Act health insurance coverage costs, citing unexpectedly less spending on premium subsidies and lower enrollment rates through exchanges set up under the 2010 reform. The $142 billion …

Obamacare Mitigates Costs for Big Employers, Refuting Lobbyists’ Predictions

Business groups said soon after Obamacare became law in 2010 that the sweeping healthcare overhaul would impose huge new costs on U.S. employers, leading to job losses. Three years later, with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in effect, …