Affordable Care Act News

Dismantle of Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange Fails in Senate

Governance of Minnesota’s health insurance exchange could be in for a change, but MNsure won’t go away entirely. The Democratic-led Minnesota Senate defeated GOP attempts to dismantle MNsure. Several MNsure-related amendments to a budget bill debated failed on party-line votes. …

Court Blocks Parts of Restrictive Missouri Health Care Navigator Law

An appeals court has ruled that Missouri can’t limit health insurance navigators’ ability to help people obtain insurance under President Barack Obama’s health care law — a ruling that advocates say could have implications for other states that have instituted …

Arkansas Senate Votes to Delay State Insurance Exchange Plans

Arkansas lawmakers voted to put the state’s plans to set up its own insurance exchange under the federal health law on hold while the nation’s highest court weighs a legal challenge over tax subsidies granted through the overhaul. The bill …

Ohio Democrats Want State to Create Health Insurance Exchange

Democratic lawmakers in Ohio want the state to consider creating its own health insurance exchange as the U.S. Supreme Court hears a challenge to President Barack Obama’s health care law. People can find health coverage through the exchanges, or marketplaces, …

How Group Health Claims-Shifting Affects Workers’ Compensation: WCRI

Workers’ compensation insurers should expect more cost shifting from group health plans as a key provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) takes hold, according to new research from the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI). The claims shift is already …

Pennsylvania College Loses Obamacare Contraceptive Challenge

The Obama administration won a reversal of a court ruling that would have shielded a Christian college in Pennsylvania from a provision of the Affordable Care Act requiring religious nonprofits to indirectly facilitate contraceptive coverage even if they oppose the …

Supreme Court Rejects Another Obamacare Challenge

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up another broad challenge to President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. The court rejected an appeal filed by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and the Alliance for Natural Health …

House Passes Hike in Obamacare Requirement to 40-Hours

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives voted on Thursday to ease Obamacare’s health insurance requirements for employers by approving the first of an expected series of bills aimed at weakening the overall healthcare reform law. Only 12 Democrats broke with …

Obamacare Tax Stalls ‘Cadillac’ Health Plans

Large employers are increasingly putting an end to their most generous health-care coverage as a tax on “Cadillac” insurance plans looms closer under Obamacare. Employees including bankers at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and college professors at Harvard University are seeing …

Republicans Target Obamacare Part-Time Worker Provision

Republicans, newly in charge of the U.S. House and Senate, begin their campaign to dismantle Obamacare with a vote this week to ease the law’s requirement that large employers give health insurance to full-time workers. Under the Patient Protection and …