Affordable Care Act News

Workplace Wellness Battle Could Jeopardize Firms’ Support for Obamacare

Leading U.S. CEOs, angered by the Obama administration’s challenge to certain “workplace wellness” programs, are threatening to side with anti-Obamacare forces unless the government backs off, according to people familiar with the matter. Major U.S. corporations have broadly supported President …

Massachusetts Officials: Revamped Healthcare Website Working as Hoped

Nearly 52,000 individuals in Massachusetts have been found eligible for insurance plans that comply with the federal Affordable Care Act during the first seven days of the open enrollment period for 2015. Of those, about 24,000 were immediately enrolled in …

Number of Tennesseans Without Health Insurance at 10-Year Low

A new University of Tennessee report says the number of uninsured people in Tennessee has hit a 10-year low. The number of people without health insurance shrunk about 25 percent in the first year of the health insurance marketplace, which …

Louisiana Nonprofits: Health Insurance Misinformation a Problem

Nonprofit groups preparing to help people in Louisiana sign up for insurance under the federal health care law say they have had to battle misinformation and misconceptions about the program as they prepared for the Nov. 15 opening of the …

States May Decide Fate of Obamacare Tax Subsidies After Supreme Court

Even if the Supreme Court decides the U.S. can’t give health insurance subsidies to people in at least 34 states, there are some potential ways around the ruling. The court last week said it would take up a case claiming …

Small Businesses Moving to Obamacare Exchanges

U.S. small businesses are dropping health insurance for their workers, as Obamacare lets them send employees to new marketplaces where they can often get subsidies from the government to buy coverage. WellPoint Inc.’s small business insurance products lost 300,000 people …

Oregon Lawmakers Told By Oracle Lawsuit is a Waste Of Money

Oracle Corp. is appealing to Oregon legislative leaders in the legal fight over the failed Cover Oregon health insurance website. In a letter sent last week to Senate President Peter Courtney and House Speaker Tina Kotek, Oracle CEO Safra Catz …

Healthcare Overhaul Boosts Earnings at Insurer WellPoint

Indianapolis, Ind.-based WellPoint raised its 2014 earnings forecast again and trumped third-quarter expectations as the overhaul of the healthcare system adds millions to the nation’s health insurance rolls, and at a lower cost than was expected at the nation’s second …

Supreme Court Considers Taking Obamacare Tax Credit Case

The fate of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law is again in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court. Two years after upholding the law by a single vote, the justices are weighing whether to hear a Republican-backed appeal that would …

California No-Bid Health Contracts Draws Probe

California’s health insurance exchange is facing calls for a state investigation of its contracting practices, while a state senator urged the agency to account for deals that steered millions of dollars to a firm whose employees have long-standing ties to …