Affordable Care Act News

Georgia Sheriff’s Deputy Sues Over Lack Of Transgender Insurance Coverage

A sheriff’s deputy in Perry, Ga., filed a lawsuit in federal court Wednesday against the county where she works over its refusal to allow her health insurance plan to cover her gender-affirmation surgery. Sgt. Anna Lange came out as transgender …

Number of Louisiana Residents Uninsured for Health Falls

The number of Louisiana residents without health insurance is falling, even as the national uninsured rate grew last year. New data released Tuesday from the Census Bureau shows 8% percent of people in Louisiana, or 363,000 residents, didn’t have health …

Texas Again Has the Most People Without Health Insurance

The rate of Texans without health insurance rose for the second year in a row, making it once again the most uninsured state in the nation, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2018, 17.7% of …

Costs, Underinsurance Bigger Challenge Than Uninsured in U.S. Health System

America’s much-maligned health care system is covering 9 out of 10 people, a fact that hasn’t stopped the 2020 presidential candidates from refighting battles about how to provide coverage, from Bernie Sanders’ call for replacing private insurance with a government …

Judge Permits Short-Term Health Plans in Blow to Obamacare Supporters

The Trump administration can expand the sale of short-term health insurance policies that don’t meet the standards of the Affordable Care Act, a federal judge ruled, advancing the government’s efforts to undo Obamacare. U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington …

Judges Frustrated with Failure of Congress to Settle Obamacare Issues

The U.S. appeals court judges tasked with deciding the fate of the hot potato known as Obamacare had some choice words Tuesday for Congress and the Trump administration. “Why does Congress want the judiciary to be a taxidermist for every …

Affordable Care Act’s Fate Could Rest with Appellate Court’s View on Technical Matters

The fate of Obamacare, the law that President Donald Trump campaigned on repealing and replacing, could hinge on several technical points of law as a federal appeals court prepares to decide whether it’s unconstitutional. And the appeal of whatever the …

North Dakota Governor Signs Health Reinsurance Bill

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum has signed a bill that allows for establishing a reinsurance pool for the individual health insurance market in that state. House Bill 1106, backed by the North Dakota Department of Insurance, was passed unanimously by …

Kansas Lawmakers OK Bill Allowing Farm Bureau Non-ACA Compliant Health Plan

Republican lawmakers in Kansas pressed ahead with allowing the state Farm Bureau to offer health coverage to members that doesn’t satisfy the Affordable Care Act, a state-level effort to circumvent an Obama-era law that President Donald Trump wants to replace. …

Trump Now Sides With Those Hoping to Pull Plug on All of Obamacare

The Trump administration is siding with Obamacare opponents who argue that it is unconstitutional and should be scrapped entirely, initiating a new, more aggressive assault on the health care law that will assure the issue will be squarely at the …