Affordable Care Act News

Poll: Only Kansas Sees Big Jump in Those Without Health Insurance

A new Gallup poll shows Kansas is the only state in the nation to see a significant increase in its uninsured rate for health coverage this year, while states that adopted parts of the Affordable Care Act have seen the …

Florida Firm Adding Jobs at Health Insurance Call Center in Texas

A Florida call center company plans to add about 400 jobs in Central Texas to assist people seeking federal health insurance coverage. C3/CustomerContactChannels currently employs about 600 workers in McGregor, near Waco. Officials with Plantation, Fla.-based C3 announced the additional …

Report: Few Iowans Acknowledge Smoking on Insurance Applications

Surveys show about 20 percent of adults in Iowa smoke regularly, but a much smaller percentage acknowledged their habit when signing up for insurance with federally mandated forms. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20 percent …

20K Maine Residents to Get Health Insurance Premium Rebates

Nearly 20,000 Maine customers of health insurer Aetna are getting premium rebates because a provision in the Affordable Care Act limits what insurance companies can spend on administrative costs. The rebates for 2013 service, totaling more than $1.8 million, will …

House Votes to Proceed with Lawsuit Against Obama

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives voted to sue President Barack Obama’s administration over implementation of his 2010 health-care law. With a near-party-line vote of 225-201, lawmakers endorsed Speaker John Boehner’s plan to file a lawsuit contending the president couldn’t …

More Than 10 Million Adults Gain Health Coverage Since Obamacare Began

An estimated 10.3 million American adults have gained health coverage since Obamacare enrollment began last October, with the biggest gains among young adults and Hispanics, according to a study published this week. The findings by researchers from the Harvard School …

Same Day, Different Court Obamacare Subsidies Upheld

Two U.S. appeals courts reached opposite conclusions on the legality of a key financing provision of the Affordable Care Act, increasing the chance of another showdown at the Supreme Court over President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. In majority ruling …

Wisconsin Regulators Say 166,000 Gained Insurance Coverage

Newly released numbers by the Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner’s office shows that nearly 166,000 Wisconsin residents purchased health insurance by June 1. But it’s not known how many of those people were previously uninsured. Gov. Scott Walker has promised to cut …

Massachusetts Reports Progress in Repairing Health Insurance Website

Massachusetts state officials are offering an upbeat assessment of efforts to repair the state’s hobbled health insurance website. Maydad Cohen, special assistant to Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, told the state’s health connector board on Thursday that new software purchased by …

House to Sue President Obama Over Healthcare Mandate Waiver

The U.S. House of Representatives will sue President Barack Obama’s administration over delaying the implementation of an employer health insurance mandate in the 2010 health-care law. “In 2013, the president changed the health-care law without a vote of Congress, effectively …