Affordable Care Act News

N.H. Businesses Vexed by Latest Delay in Small Group Health Insurance Market

New Hampshire businesses aren’t happy with the latest delay in the small group health insurance market created by the Affordable Care Act, but some are more understanding than others. Companies have been able to purchase coverage in the Small Business …

Aetna, Humana, Cigna Accused of Bias Against AIDS Patients in Florida

Advocates for people with HIV and AIDS charged that insurers including Aetna Inc., Humana Inc. and Cigna Corp. have discriminated against Obamacare patients in Florida infected with the virus. The Tampa-based AIDS Institute and the National Health Law Program, an …

Study: Number of Adults Without Health Insurance Plummeting in New Jersey

A new study finds the number of uninsured adults in New Jersey plummeted as people signed up for the new federal health insurance exchange. The Health Reform Monitoring System, which did polls across the country, found that 13 percent of …

Missouri Legislature OKs Criminal Checks for Health Advisers

Despite a federal court order against their current law, Missouri legislators voted to toughen requirements even further for people seeking to work as insurance guides under President Barack Obama’s health care law. A bill given final approval by the Republican-led …

Insurance ‘Navigators’ Would Need License Under Louisiana House Bill

The House wants to require licensing of Louisiana’s “navigator” organizations that get grants to help consumers enroll in insurance available under the federal health care law. A bill by Republican Rep. Kevin Pearson, of Slidell, to require the licensing and …

House Passes Bill to Exempt Expatriate Plans from Affordable Care Act

The House has approved bipartisan legislation to exempt U.S. health plans sold to expatriate workers from having to comply with requirements under the Affordable Care Act. The measure, which passed 268-150, is aimed at helping U.S. insurance companies like Cigna …

Nielsen, Travelers Survey: Employers Unfamiliar with Risks Posed by ACA

Travelers has released a Nielsen Research survey that offers insight into U.S. employers’ familiarity with and preparedness for the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The survey, which was sponsored by Travelers, found that many businesses …

Nonprofit in Maryland Builds Different Kind of Health Insurance Company

Maryland hadn’t had a health insurance co-op for 20 years. Then Dr. Peter Beilenson came along. Although Beilenson — who has held a number of prominent health positions — describes himself as a staunch advocate for a single-payer health care …

Minnesota’s PreferredOne Grabs Big Share of State Health Insurance Exchange

A Minnesota health insurance company didn’t expect to offer some of the nation’s lowest premiums – it just turned out that way for PreferredOne. PreferredOne had been just a small player in Minnesota’s market for individuals who buy health insurance …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #58

ACA Grandfathering Disclaimer. According to the Wall Street Journal (Nov. 6, 2013), the first E&O suits have been filed against an insurance company for allegedly misleading a consumer into changing their health insurance deductible and thereby obviating the grandfathering clause …