Affordable Care Act News

Louisiana Health Insurers OK Third-Party Payers Through Nov. 15

The three major companies in Louisiana offering coverage through the federal insurance exchange have agreed to continue to accept premium payments through Nov. 15 from a program that helps HIV/AIDS patients cover their health care costs. The Advocate reports the …

N.Y. Health Exchange Reports 591,000 New Yorkers Now Enrolled

New York State’s new health exchange reports more than 908,000 New Yorkers have completed applications for insurance while more than 591,000 of them have now enrolled for specific coverage. The state’s health department says enrollment for individual and family coverage …

Affordable Care Enrollment Hits 4.2 Million As Deadline Nears

President Barack Obama appealed to uninsured Americans to sign up for medical coverage before a March 31 deadline while his administration said 4.2 million people had enrolled in health plans through February. Youth enrollment continued to expand, with 1.1 million …

Massachusetts Health Care Officials Look to Other States for Website Fixes

Massachusetts health care officials struggling to repair the state’s hobbled website are looking at the possibility of leasing or buying technology from states with functioning insurance sites. Massachusetts Health Connector officials said last Friday that looking for solutions from other …

Delaware Officials: About 7,000 Enrollments in Health Insurance Exchange

Delaware state officials say about 7,000 Delawareans have chosen private insurance plans under the federal Affordable Care Act. Delaware’s Health and Social Services Secretary Rita Landgraf told the state Health Care Commission on Thursday that 6,994 people had selected plans …

Oregon Legislature Approves Bills Aimed at Fixing Ills at Insurance Exchange

Two bills aimed at rectifying the problems at Cover Oregon and avoiding repeats in the future advanced in the Oregon Legislature, garnering overwhelming support despite warnings from critics that they will have little effect. The Senate voted to require that …

Insurers to Accept Premium Payments from Louisiana HIV Patients, for Now

A federal judge in Louisiana received assurances that three insurance companies won’t immediately stop accepting premium payments from a program that helps HIV and AIDS patients cover health care costs. After receiving the pledge that no payments would be rejected …

Louisiana Group Sues to Force Insurers to Take Federal AIDS Money

An advocacy group has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to force insurance companies in Louisiana to take payments from a federal program that helps HIV and AIDS patients. Lambda Legal filed the suit in a Baton Rouge federal court saying …

Court Rules Against Notre Dame over Insurance Coverage for Birth Control

A federal appeals court in Chicago has ruled against the University of Notre Dame, located in South Bend, Ind., in a case over parts of the federal health care law that forces it to provide health insurance for students and …

Gov’t Attorneys Appeal Penn. Health Care Law Contraceptive Rulings

Government attorneys have appealed two injunctions issued by federal judges on challenges by religious organizations over contraceptive coverage requirements in the new health care law. Department of Justice attorneys asked the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday to …