Affordable Care Act News

Bill in California Would Insure People In U.S. Illegally

Immigrants living in the country illegally would be able to buy health insurance through the state of California under a bill introduced by a state senator. Only U.S. citizens can buy policies under the Affordable Care Act through health exchanges …

In Virginia, 74,000-Plus Enrolled in Health Plans Through Insurance Marketplace

More than 74,000 Virginians have enrolled in health plans through the federal insurance marketplace. Figures from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show that from Oct. 1 through Feb. 1, 28 percent of those in Virginia who selected …

In Penn., ACA Exchange Sign-Ups Top 100K Mark as Website Troubles Subside

More than 123,000 Pennsylvanians have selected an insurance plan under the new federal health care law as troubles with the gateway website have subsided, the U.S. government said Wednesday, although tens of thousands more who might be eligible for Medicaid …

N.Y. Health Exchange: 697K New Yorkers Completed Applications

New York State’s new health exchange reports nearly 697,000 New Yorkers have completed applications for insurance while more than 412,000 of them have now enrolled for specific coverage. The health department says enrollment for individual and family coverage since October …

President’s Delay of Employers’ Healthcare Mandate on ‘Shaky’ Legal Ground: Experts

The Obama administration may have pushed the bounds of its legal authority by delaying the healthcare law requirement that certain employers provide coverage to full-time workers, but the move will be tough to challenge in court, according to legal experts. …

N.Y. Health Insurer to Give Thousands of Customers 3 Weeks Free Coverage

Thousands of New York consumers who faced enrollment problems will get three weeks of free coverage from Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the agreement follows a Department of Financial Services probe into complaints about …

Obamacare Mandate Delayed Until 2016 for Firms Under 100 Employees

Employers with fewer than 100 workers won’t have to provide health insurance until 2016 under Obamacare, as the administration said it would again delay a key requirement of the health law. Larger firms have to cover at least 70 percent …

N.H. Panel Told Requiring Health Plan Forums Would Be Tricky

A bill aimed at providing New Hampshire residents more information about health plans offered under the federal health care overhaul law would be difficult to implement, lawmakers, consumer advocates and insurance officials said Tuesday. The measure before the Senate Commerce …

N.Y. Health Exchange Says Nearly 381,000 New Yorkers Enrolled

The state’s new health exchange reports more than 657,000 New Yorkers have completed applications for insurance while nearly 381,000 of them have enrolled for specific coverage. The health department says enrollment for individual and family coverage since October includes 241,242 …

Maryland Gov. Signs Retroactive Health Insurance Bill

Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley on Jan. 30 signed into law a measure to help people get medical insurance retroactive to Jan. 1, if computer problems with Maryland’s health exchange prevented them from signing up in time last year. The law, …