Affordable Care Act News

Some NYC Hospitals Not Taking New Health Plans

New Yorkers buying a health plan on the state’s new insurance exchange should read the fine print if they’re interested in getting care at some of the city’s top hospitals. Not all are participating in the new plans created by …

IIAT: Independent Agents Guide Consumers Through Affordable Care Act

In a Nov. 14 address on the troublesome roll out of and the public outcry over the cancellation of less expensive individual insurance policies, President Obama said, “Buying health insurance is never going to be like buying a song …

State Insurance Commissioners Lack Consensus on Cancellations

Kansas, North Dakota and other state insurance commissioners snubbed a meeting with President Barack Obama set up to discuss allowing some people to keep medical plans that don’t meet the requirements of the U.S. health law. Six commissioners e-mailed their …

Vermont Warns People of Health Insurance Phone Scams

The state of Vermont is warning people to beware of phone scams from callers claiming to be selling health insurance in order to obtain personal information. Department of Financial Regulation Commissioner Susan L. Donegan says her department has received reports …

Insurers, Regulators Question Obama’s Healthcare Promise ‘Fix’

Insurers and state regulators say that President Barack Obama’s “fix” for policies canceled under his healthcare reform law will create new problems for the industry and could lead to an increase in premiums. Facing pressure by lawmakers from his Democratic …

Obamacare Banking on Enrollment Surge Near Deadlines

Almost 1 million people who applied for health care on the government insurance exchanges last month left without choosing a plan, a pipeline of potential customers the Obama administration must persuade to return. While 106,185 people enrolled, 10 times as …

Clinton, Democrats Pressure White House to Amend Healthcare Law

The growing pressure on President Barack Obama to adjust his problem-plagued healthcare law seemed to boil over on Tuesday, as leaders of Obama’s Democratic Party called on him to allow a change in the law so that Americans who are …

U.S. Sen. Toomey Cites Pennsylvania Residents Losing Health Insurance

U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey said thousands of Pennsylvanians are contacting his office with complaints about losing their health insurance because of the federal overhaul, while state insurance regulators put the number of people in that situation at more than 200,000. …

Georgia Regulator Blasts Rocky Health Care Rollout, Federal Website Glitches

Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens criticized the rocky rollout of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul in a recent interview with a local TV news station. Commissioner Hudgens, a Republican and a staunch opponent of the federal health care overhaul, …

280,000 Kentuckians to Give Up Their Current Health Insurance Policies

About 280,000 Kentuckians will have to give up their current insurance policies in the months ahead and enroll in alternatives that comply with the Affordable Care Act, the federal health care reform law. Kentucky Department of Insurance spokeswoman Ronda Sloan …