Affordable Care Act News

Obamacare Day 3: High Demand, Enrollment Glitches Persist

Americans trying to find out how much health coverage will cost under Obamacare endured a third day of limited access to new online health insurance exchanges on Thursday, leading to a growing backlog of people waiting to enter the system. …

Idaho Insurance Agents Leery Of Exchange’s Promise

Insurance agents are still waiting to be convinced Idaho’s insurance exchange will benefit their businesses, though the board that established this Internet marketplace for individual and small business coverage sought to make sure they could still earn commissions. The exchange …

New York’s Lawsky Sees Obamacare as Model to Simplify Home Insurance

Homeowners’ insurance needs to be more standardized because customers are confused about what their policies protect, New York’s financial regulator said. Few fully understand all the complexities of their coverage, Benjamin Lawsky, superintendent of the state’s Department of Financial Services, …

Poll: 72% Oppose Government Shutdown Linked to Health Care

In a rejection of congressional Republicans’ strategy, Americans overwhelmingly oppose undermining President Barack Obama’s health-care law by shutting down the federal government or resisting an increase in the nation’s debt limit, according to a poll released today. By 72 percent …

Obamacare Exchanges Open for Business Today; Some Glitches Expected

The three-year effort to open the Obamacare health-insurance exchanges culminates today, beset by logistical delays and efforts by Republicans to shut down the U.S. government in protest. Even states that have cooperated with the rollout, designed to enroll the uninsured …

Obamacare’s Small Business Health Markets Delayed a Month

Small businesses won’t be able to enroll in new online health insurance marketplaces until Nov. 1 in most U.S. states, the latest delay for the Obama administration’s signature health-care law. Small businesses won’t be able to sign up their employees …

Maine Officials Warn Consumers About Scammers Using Health Reform Law

Maine’s Insurance Superintendent Eric Cioppa and Gov. Paul R. LePage are warning the public about scams related to the federal health reform law (ACA). Officials say various schemes have been reported throughout the country to take advantage of consumers’ uncertainty …

MNsure Employee in Security Breach Terminated

The employee of Minnesota’s health insurance exchange who released private data on about 1,600 insurance agents no longer works for the state. Minnesota Management and Budget provided the information on Sept. 24 to The Associated Press. Previously, officials said the …

Connecticut’s Health Care Exchange Receives Key Approval

Connecticut’s health insurance exchange has finished testing its connection with the federal data services hub, a final step toward opening the online marketplace next month. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Monday gave final approval to the …

Louisiana Commissioner: Complexity of Health Law ‘Mind-Boggling’

Louisiana’s insurance commissioner said that there is “no way at all” that people have enough information to make decisions when the new health insurance marketplaces created by the federal Affordable Care Act open next week. Registration opens Oct. 1 for …