Affordable Care Act News

Family Insurance in Jeopardy at Small Companies

One casualty of the new health care law may be paid coverage for families of people who work for small businesses. Insurance companies have already warned small business customers that premiums could rise 20 percent or more in 2014 under …

N.H. Insurance Department Finds Way to Accept $5M Grant

The New Hampshire insurance department announced on Aug. 2 that it has found a way around Republican legislative efforts to block New Hampshire from spending a $5 million grant educating consumers about the federal health care overhaul law. In a …

Groups Attack Watchdog Effort to Raise Medical Malpractice Bar in California

Under a measure being pursued for next year’s ballot by Consumer Watchdog California voters will have the opportunity to boost the cap on medical negligence lawsuits, but opponents of the measure on Friday said doing so will add billions-of-dollars in …

Oregon To Spend $20 Million Promoting Health Law

Two local folk singers, strumming guitars and crooning about the virtues of Oregon, have become the first tool in a $20 million campaign to convince Oregon’s uninsured to buy health insurance. Musicians Laura Gibson and Matt Sheehy appear in ads …

Connecticut Health Exchange Learns Many Unaware of Effort

Organizers of Connecticut’s new health insurance exchange are learning most residents don’t know much about the effort to set up an insurance marketplace, a hallmark of the federal health care overhaul legislation. According to new survey results provided on July …

Firm Running R.I. Health Exchange’s Call Center an Affiliate of Health Insurer

The company that was awarded a $24 million contract to operate the Rhode Island health benefits exchange’s customer service center is an affiliate of one selling plans on the exchange, but state officials say there are built-in protections to prevent …

44 Community Groups to Tout Insurance Marketplace in Illinois

Gov. Pat Quinn says $27 million in federal funds will be distributed to 44 community organizations that will help educate the public and push enrollment in the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace. The marketplace is a requirement of the Affordable Care …

Administration Says Obamacare to Lower Insurance Premiums More Than Forecast

Hoping to gain the high ground in an escalating war of words over Obamacare, the U.S. administration on Thursday forecast sharply lower than expected insurance costs for consumers and small businesses in new online state healthcare exchanges. A report by …

New York Health Exchange Lowering Some Consumer Premiums 50%

Health insurance premiums will drop by about 50 percent on average for consumers in New York who buy new plans through a state-run marketplace created by the U.S. Affordable Care Act. The state approved plans to be sold by 17 …

Fraud Fear Raised In California’s Health Exchange

Consumer groups are worried that California’s uninsured could fall victim to fraud, identity theft or other crimes by some of the very people who are supposed to help them. More than 21,000 enrollment counselors will be hired to provide consumers …