Affordable Care Act News

Walgreen, Blue Cross to Aid in Educating Public on Obamacare

Walgreen Co., the biggest U.S. drugstore chain, agreed to join with the largest federation of health insurers to promote the Affordable Care Act, lending a hand as the Obama administration strains to win over the public. The Blue Cross Blue …

Nevada Doctor Shortages Likely to Get Worse

There aren’t enough doctors in Nevada, and the shortage is likely to get worse as tens of thousands of people become newly insured under the federal health care overhaul. A study released this year by University of Nevada School of …

Health Insurers to Pay $500M in Rebates

U.S. insurers will pay $500 million in rebates to employers and individuals this summer because of President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, about half the amount they paid last year. The law, often called Obamacare, requires companies to refund customers when …

Many in Mississippi ‘Out of Luck’ as Health Insurers Shun Exchange

People in 36 of Mississippi’s 82 counties may not be able to buy health insurance through the new federal online marketplace when it starts enrolling customers in October. Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney said two insurers have announced offerings so far, …

IRS Scandals Threaten Funding for Health Care Law

Mounting scandals at the Internal Revenue Service are jeopardizing critical funding for the agency as it gears up to play a big role in President Barack Obama’s health care law. Obama sought a significant budget increase for the IRS for …

Gov. Corbett Signs Bill Limiting Abortion Coverage in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is joining about 20 other states in limiting coverage of abortions under health care insurance policies offered in a federally-run insurance marketplace starting next year under a sweeping federal law. Gov. Tom Corbett’s office said he signed the bill …

California Insurance Commissioner: Bar Anthem From Health Exchange

California’s insurance commissioner wants to exclude Anthem Blue Cross from the state’s new health exchange for small businesses, saying it’s made excessive rate hikes. Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones said three increases this year – including one of nearly 18 percent …

Republicans See ‘Obamacare’ Issues as Key to 2014

If Republicans were writing a movie script for next year’s congressional elections, the working title might be “2014: Apocalypse of Obamacare.” The plot: The rollout of President Barack Obama’s health care law turns into such a disaster that enraged voters …

New Mexico To Keep Administering High-Risk Insurance

A panel of New Mexico regulators has voted to continue coverage for more than 1,500 people who are part of a federal high-risk health insurance pool despite a likely shortfall in payments from the federal government. The state board that …

Feds Take Over California High-Risk Insurance Program

About 17,000 Californians with serious medical problems will be moved from a state-run stopgap health insurance program to a federal plan starting in July, ensuring they will have no break in medical coverage until the national health care reforms kick …