Affordable Care Act News

California Health Exchange Also Will Offer Voter Registration

California will become the first state to offer voter registration through its health insurance marketplace later this year. Millions of Californians will get the chance to register at the same time they are buying insurance under the federal Affordable Care …

Report: New Mexico Facing Medical Access Difficulties

New Mexicans could have longer waits for a doctor or specialist as demand grows for medical services because of an aging population and expanded insurance coverage under a federal health care law, legislative auditors said Wednesday. A report released by …

California Exchange Granted Secrecy

The California agency overseeing national health care reforms was granted sweeping authority to conceal spending on contractors that will perform most of its functions. The degree of secrecy the Legislature gave Covered California appears unique among states attempting to establish …

Feds Will Enforce Insurance Regulations In Wyoming

The federal government will directly enforce Affordable Care Act regulations in Wyoming when key pieces of the federal health care reform law take effect in January. Federal officials made the decision after learning the Wyoming Department of Insurance lacks the …

Washington Insurance Commissioner Recovering From Heart Surgery

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler, the nation’s longest serving insurance commissioner, is recovering after successful heart surgery performed Monday at Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia. The insurance commissioner’s office made known his surgery and ensuing recovery on Tuesday. Kreidler’s …

Washington Weighs First Abortion Insurance Mandate In US

In 1970, Washington became the first – and remains the only – state in the country to legalize elective abortions by a popular vote. A generation later, and 40 years removed from the landmark United States Supreme Court Roe v. …

Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner Refuses to Enforce Affordable Care Act

The Oklahoma Insurance Department will not be participating in a collaborative effort with the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) to enforce the Affordable Care Act, according to a letter released by Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak. …

Applying for Obama Health Care Plan Daunting Task

Applying for benefits under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could be as daunting as doing taxes. The government’s draft application runs 15 pages for a three-person family. An outline of the online version has 21 steps, some with additional …

Health Insurance Exchange Bill Clears New Mexico Senate

A proposal to establish a state-run health insurance exchange has passed the Senate with bipartisan support. A federal health care law calls for exchanges to serve as a marketplace for the uninsured to shop for medical coverage. The legislation creates …

Health Care Law to Create Gap For 21K In Hawaii

Roughly 21,000 people in Hawaii who were previously covered under Medicaid will need to buy their own health insurance once President Barack Obama’s sweeping federal health care overhaul takes effect next year, the chief executive of the Hawaii Primary Care …