Affordable Care Act News

Obamacare Medical Loss Ratio Saved $1.5 Billion in 2011: Report

Consumers saw nearly $1.5 billion in insurer rebates and overhead cost savings in 2011, due to the Affordable Care Act’s medical loss ratio provision requiring health insurers to spend at least 80 percent of premium dollars on health care or …

Colorado Moving To Curb Health Insurance Costs

Colorado officials say health care reform has given them the power to curb insurance rate hikes. Those curbs helped the state block a 24 percent increase request by Cigna. According to the Denver Post Cigna wanted to raise rates for …

Brewer Rejects State-Run Health Exchange for Arizona

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has decided against creating a state-run health insurance exchange to implement a key part of President Barack Obama’s federal health care law. Brewer’s decision announced Wednesday means the federal government will set up an online marketplace …

Obama Administration Gives States Extra Time on Health Exchanges

The Obama administration gave states extra time to work toward setting up new health insurance exchanges on Friday, days after President Barack Obama’s re-election ensured the survival of his healthcare reform law. The move is seen as a concession to …

Georgia Unlikely to Run Health Insurance Exchange: Gov. Deal

A day after Barack Obama’s re-election, Gov. Nathan Deal suggested that he will not implement a Georgia health insurance exchange as part of the 2010 federal health care overhaul that ranks as the president signature legislative achievement. Deal told The …

Kreidler’s 4th Term in Washington: Healthcare, Climate Change, Excess Surpluses

Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler won nearly six in 10 votes in his re-election bid, giving him bragging rights as the U.S.’s longest currently serving insurance commissioner. Kreidler won 57.7 percent of the vote, while insurance broker John Adams, his …

Penn. Commissioner: Washington Slow to Give Guidance on Healthcare Law

Testifying before Congress this week, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Michael Consedine offered a blistering critique of the way the federal government is coordinating the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In particular, Consedine said the U.S. Department of Health and Human …

Board Oks $72M To Set Up Nevada Insurance Exchange

A state board approved a $72 million contract Tuesday to implement a health insurance exchange in Nevada under the federal Affordable Care Act, but Gov. Brian Sandoval said the program will need to become self-sustaining if it is to continue. …

Otter Hires Firm To Study Medicaid Expansion in Idaho

Gov. C. L. “Butch” Otter has hired a consulting firm run by former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt to help decide whether to expand Medicaid to thousands of low-income Idahoans. The Idaho Statesman reported the governor’s office hired Leavitt Partners in …

In Massachusetts Senate Race, Health Care Still Hot Topic

In Massachusetts’ contentious U.S. Senate race, few issues divide the two candidates more sharply than the health care law signed by President Barack Obama and upheld by the Supreme Court. Republican Scott Brown ran for the Senate in 2010 vowing …