Afirm News

H.W. Kaufman Financial’s Loss Control Unit, Afirm, Opens Montreal Office

Afirm, an H.W. Kaufman Financial Group company specializing in loss control inspections, premium audits and risk mitigation services, announced its expansion to Montreal, Quebec. This marks Afirm’s initial presence in the Quebec province, building on its 30-year presence in the …

H.W. Kaufman Financial Group Acquires Michigan’s Chlystek & White Services

H.W. Kaufman Financial Group has acquired Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Chlystek & White Services (CWS) Inc. – a regional insurance premium audit services company. CWS will become part of Afirm, Kaufman’s international provider of premium audits, loss control, and risk services. …

US-Reports and Canadian Reports Merger Creates Colorado Risk Solutions Firm

H.W. Kaufman Financial Group has combined US-Reports and Canadian Reports, rebranding both companies under the name Afirm, which is based in Fort Collins, Colo. The merger will continue their global presence and allow a single source for loss control inspection, …