African Risk Capacity (ARC) News

Zimbabwe to Get Over Half of $60 Million Payout for El Niño-Hit African Nations

Zimbabwe will get over half of an expected $60 million insurance pay out meant for four African nations as it reels from the impact of El Niño-induced drought that’s already slashed corn output and led to a state of disaster …

El Niño Sees African Union Insurance Agency Pay Out $60 Million

The African Union’s climate insurance agency will pay out at least $60 million to four southern African nations to help them offset the impact of a drought that’s been driven by the El Niño weather pattern, its director general said. …

El Niño to Trigger Drought Insurance Payouts in Four Southern African Countries

A drought driven by the El Nino weather pattern is likely to trigger insurance payouts to four southern African countries who took out cover with an agency of the African Union. Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique will receive payments at …

Climate Tech Firm to Pilot Fast-Paying Flood Insurance in Africa

Climate change is particularly perilous for small farmers. Warmer conditions are resulting in more damaging bouts of rain and drought, but traditional crop insurance products are often unavailable or financially out of reach. In Africa, 99% of smallholder farmers are …

Update: Parametric Catastrophe Pool, CCRIF, to Provide Rapid Payout for Bahamas After Dorian

Some of the first financial relief the Bahamas receives in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian may be a rapid insurance payout from a novel program just 12 years old. CCRIF, once short for the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, was …

New Insurance Products Could Cut Natural Disaster Costs in Poorer Nations: Report

New types of insurance could cut the costs of natural disasters for poorer countries and reduce the amount of humanitarian aid needed, according to a report commissioned by Britain’s international development ministry. The cost of natural disasters to some of …

Africa’s Disaster Resilience Is Focus of New African Risk Capacity Partnership

The African Risk Capacity (ARC) has teamed up with the African Development Bank (AfDB) to help African nations strengthen their resilience to weather-related risks. The ARC and the AfDB will work together to develop their member states’ understanding of the …

Willis to Help Mobilize Global ‘Resilience Modelling & Mapping Forum’ for Nat Cat

Willis Group Holdings is providing $1 million to help mobilize a global “Resilience Modelling and Mapping Forum” to address natural catastrophe risk, according to Dominic Casserley, CEO. The Resilience Modelling and Mapping Forum is a collaboration between the global re/insurance …

G7 Endorses African Risk Capacity Program as Model for Climate Insurance

An announcement from African Risk Capacity (ARC) notes that “G7 leaders have singled out Africa’s first parametric catastrophe insurance pool, as a model upon which to develop catastrophe insurance solutions in vulnerable regions. “During the 41st G7 summit in June, …

African Risk Capacity (ARC) Payouts to Exceed $25 Million

The African Union’s African Risk Capacity’s affiliated mutual insurance company, ARC Ltd, is set to make claim payouts of more than $25 million to three of its member states belonging to its catastrophe insurance pool, which was recently established to …