agency errors and omissions News

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #56

Personal Lines Quote Sheets. In most agencies, CSRs base their personal lines quotes off the data gathered per their quote sheets. Two common problems exist using quote sheets. The first is many agencies’ quote sheets are inadequate. The questions are …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #55

Fees & Agency’s Standard of Care. An agency’s Standard of Care requirement has many moving parts and variables. Simple answers generally do not exist because the applicable standard is case and fact specific. However, a key to making the agency’s …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #54

Fees & Agency’s Standard of Care. An agency’s Standard of Care requirement has many moving parts and variables. Simple answers generally do not exist because the applicable standard is case and fact specific. However, a key to making the agency’s …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #53

TPA Activities. Some agencies are unknowingly conducting TPA activities. Others are knowingly offering these services without knowing whether their E&O policy will provide coverage. Many insurance agency E&O policies specifically exclude coverage for TPA activities/services. TPA services can create significant …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #52

Update Census Forms on AORs/BORs. When an agency takes over a group benefits account by AOR or BOR, it is likely picking up the prior agency’s/broker’s mistakes. Sometimes, for many different reasons ranging from innocent mistakes to cheating, an insured …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #51

State Guaranty Funds. Many agency owners, producers, and CSRs believe state guaranty funds provide blank insolvency protection for any client insured by an admitted carrier. This is not true. Many state’s guaranty funds are limited to insureds of a certain …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #50

Binders Redux. A binder is a temporary insurance contract. This is a fact. The Acord 75 field Description states, “A Binder is a temporary insurance contract which provides coverage in advance of the issuance of an insurance policy.” The Acord …

Burand’s Agency E&O Blog: Tip #49

Date Stamping. Could any E&O blog address a simpler subject than date stamping? Maybe not, but date stamping correctly to mitigate E&O exposures is something too few agencies practice. Most agencies I visit have a practice of opening all incoming …

Tell Us About Your Agency’s E&O – Take Our Survey Now

Insurance Journal is again on the search to find out what’s happening in the agency errors and omissions (E&O) environment. The final deadline to participate in this year’s survey is Monday, Oct. 21 We invite you to participate in the …

What’s Happening in Agency E&O? Take This Survey to Find Out

Insurance Journal is again on the search to find out what’s happening in the agency errors and omissions (E&O) environment. We invite you to participate in the 2013 Agency Errors & Omissions Survey, which will be published in an upcoming …