agent liability News

Denial of House Fire Claim Upheld. Insureds Never Knew Their Policy Was Nonrenewed.

A Connecticut Appeals Court has affirmed that an insurer is not obligated to provide actual notice of a home insurance nonrenewal; proof that the insurer sent the notice by registered or certified mail is sufficient. The homeowners claimed they never …

When Insurers Deny Claims, Brokers Are Next in Line for Allegations of Wrongdoing

In the wake of government orders shutting down or seriously limiting the operations of businesses to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak, many affected businesses have turned to their insurers for coverage. This has led to a flurry of lawsuits across …

Commentary: N.Y. Court’s Latest Take on Insured’s Duty to Read Policy

The New York Court of Appeals recently found that the insured’s failure to read the insurance policy does not bar claims for broker negligence in failing to procure requested insurance. Almost one hundred years ago the New York Court of …