Agent Orange News

French Court Throws Out Lawsuit for ‘Agent Orange’ Damage During Vietnam War

PARIS โ€“ A French court on Monday threw out a lawsuit by a French-Vietnamese woman against more than a dozen multinationals that produced and sold a toxic herbicide dubbed “Agent Orange,” used by U.S. troops during the war in Vietnam. …

Court Fight over Dow Chemical Herbicide Widens to 15 States

A court fight over use of a new Dow Chemical herbicide on genetically engineered U.S. corn and soybean crops is growing to encompass 15 Midwestern states after the company recently won federal approval for more widespread application. Conservationists, food safety …

West Virginia Residents’ $93 Milllion Settlement with Monsanto Questioned

An attorney is challenging a $93 million settlement between Monsanto Co. and thousands of West Virginians. Thomas Urban II represents some class members who say the settlement isn’t fair and reasonable, the Charleston Gazette reported. They claim the deal was …

West Virginia Judge OKs Settlement in Agent Orange Suit

A West Virginia judge has approved a settlement in a class-action lawsuit filed by residents who say that chemical manufacturer Monsanto burned dioxin wastes, polluting the area with unsafe levels of the chemical. The settlement creates an $84 million fund …

Judge Lets Agent Orange Case Against Monsanto Proceed

Monsanto Co. has lost a bid to close part of a lawsuit alleging the company caused health injuries to residents living near a plant that made the Vietnam War-era U.S. military defoliant “Agent Orange.” Monsanto, which operated a Nitro, West …