Agents & Brokers News

Perpetuation: It Isn’t Just a Money Thing

When agency owners think of perpetuation planning, they often think only of the financial aspect: Selling their agencies. In some circles, among some advisors, perpetuation planning is really another term for acquisitions. But perpetuation is much, much more than buying …

Wishes & Predictions Survey 2012: Participate Now

What do you HOPE will happen in your insurance organization in 2012? Now, what do you THINK will happen? Will the insurance market harden or will prices remain soft? Will your agency or insurance organization perform better in 2012 than …

Are You Prepared for the Changing Insurance Market?

In today’s personal property/casualty insurance market, agents and brokers face increasing uncertainty. Staying the course is no longer an option to drive profitable growth. You must be informed of the latest market changes; understand your performance relative to the market; …

Dallamore Joins Howden as Consultant in Asia

Howden Broking Group, the broking arm of Hyperion Insurance Group, has appointed Brian Dallamore as a non-executive director of the board that oversees Howden’s retail operations in South East Asia. Brian has over 32 years’ experience in Asia, having previously …

Can Claims Handling Cause an Errors & Omissions Claim?

The answer to the question posed in the headline is a definite “yes.” This has actually developed into a significant issue for agents and is one of the current errors and omissions (E&O) hotspots agents must be aware of. It …

How to Produce and Keep Happy Claimants

The best way to keep agency customers happy is to avoid claims in the first place but, of course, that’s easier said than done. When claims do happen, independent agents can play a valuable role in determining whether the customer …

How to Compete for Personal Lines with the Direct Writers

Let’s face facts. It’s unlikely that any individual independent agency will ever “beat” the direct writers. They have massive marketing budgets, a strong online presence, great name recognition, and enjoy a reputation for being low in cost. Still, you can …

The Competitive Advantage: Procedural Consistency and Agency E&O

I have often been asked why procedural consistency is important for reducing errors and omissions (E&O) exposures. Another way of asking the question is, “Why is inconsistency an issue?” Let’s first consider the strict legal perspective. The most applicable case …

Allstate Drops North Carolina Homeowners Who Insure Autos Elsewhere

Some North Carolina residents who insure their residences through Allstate are finding themselves dropped by the company for refusing to bundle their home and auto coverage. Allstate Insurance Co. has informed 45,000 homeowners that it will non-renew their homeowner’s policy …

Agency E&O Survey: Why Agents Buy Coverage

Agency owners have a lot to protect. Of course, first and foremost they must protect their clients. But they must also protect their book of business. They must protect their relationships. They must protect their reputation in the community they …