aggressive driving News

Deadly Rise in Speeding That Began During Pandemic Still Hasn’t Stopped

Motorists put the pedal to the metal during the pandemic and police are worried as roads get busy with the final stretch of summer travel. The latest data shows the number of highway deaths in 2020 was the greatest in …

Caution: Millions of U.S. Drivers Are Angry, Aggressive or Enraged!

Nearly 80 percent of drivers expressed significant anger, aggression or road rage behind the wheel at least once in the past year, according to a new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The most alarming findings suggest that …

Georgia Officers Issue 270 Tickets Under ‘Slow Poke’ Law

The Georgia State Patrol says officers have written about 270 tickets under a law that makes it illegal to block faster drivers in the left-hand lane. The state’s so-called “slow poke” law took effect in July 2014. WSB-TV reports officers …

Plymouth Rock Releases Study on New Jersey Road Rage

A new study from Plymouth Rock Assurance reveals that virtually all drivers polled have witnessed provocative driving behavior or road rage in New Jersey. Behaviors reported include unsafe and aggressive driving sometimes even leading to a physical altercation. The survey …

Delaware Troopers Issue Over 1K Traffic Citations in I-95 Crackdown

Delaware troopers were busy this past weekend cracking down on traffic violations during a multistate enforcement safety initiative along Interstate 95. The Drive to Save Lives initiative was a one-day effort involving police in all 15 states along the I-95 …

Myself, the Car: Aggressive Driving Linked to Personality

Those who view their car as an extension of themselves have stronger aggressive driving tendencies, a new study finds. The study “Aggressive Driving: A Consumption Experience,” by a Temple University Fox School of Business professor, is thought to be the …