Agricultural News

Transportation, Agriculture Are Oregon’s Most Fatal Industries

The transportation and warehousing industry was the most dangerous industry in 2009 in Oregon, according to the state Department of Business and Consumer Services, Information Management Division. According to DCBS’ recent report on compensable fatalities by industry, transportation and warehousing, …

European Union to Issue Climate Warning; Tackle CO2 Loopholes

Loopholes in the United Nations climate treaties could actually amount to an increase in global climate-warming emissions and the chance to rein in temperatures may be slipping away, a draft European Union report showed. “Optimistic assessments…indicate that a pathway towards …

Rate of Glacier Melting May be Key Clue to Tracking Climate Change

The world has become far too hot for the aptly named Exit Glacier in Alaska. Like many low-altitude glaciers, it’s steadily melting, shrinking two miles (3 kilometers) over the past 200 years as it tries to strike a new balance …

Amerisafe Net Income Rises Despite Premium Decreases in Q4 2009

DeRidder, La.-based workers’ compensation insurer Amerisafe Inc. reported net income of $6.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2009, an increase of 15 percent over the $5.7 million recorded in the fourth quarter of 2008. Gross premiums written in the …

South Carolina’s Love Joins Florida-Based Home Safety Institute

The Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) in Tampa, Fla. announced that Allison Dean Love has joined the organization as external relations consultant. Love brings 20 years of experience in media relations, public relations and communications. Love comes to …

World Warming Unhindered by Cold Spells Say Scientists

The pace of global warming continues unabated, scientists said on Thursday, despite images of Europe crippled by a deep freeze and parts of the United States blasted by blizzards. The bitter cold, with more intense winter weather forecast for March …

CCRIF, CIMH to Launch Excess Rainfall Model for New Insurance Policy

The Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF) and the Caribbean Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (CIMH) are launching their Regional Rainfall Model today, February 25, at CIMH headquarters in Husbands, Barbados. The bulletin explained that this “synthetic rainfall generation model …

WTO Envoys Despondent as Prospects for Doha Accord Dim

Gloom and frustration pervaded the World Trade Organization on Monday as the prospects of completing a new global commerce pact this year receded. The WTO’s 153 members had agreed to take stock at the end of March on whether the …


$25 Million Record snowfall beginning Feb. 11 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area resulted in insured losses of $25 million, the Insurance Council of Texas reported. An estimated 4,200 claims came from auto, residential and commercial property owners. The average claim …


Tired and Frustrated “We’ve been doing this for a long time. … We’re not getting a lot of sleep. We’re tired. We’re frustrated that this is continuing to happen. But we remain strong in our belief that we’re going to …