Agricultural News

Willis Launches Insurance Program for Dairy Farm Industry

Willis Programs, a specialty business unit of Willis Group Holdings, the global insurance broker, has introduced a customized insurance product for dairy operations. DairyProtector is designed for dairy farms with cows producing raw milk for bulk sales. The program delivers …

Montana’s Wheat Crop Valued At $1.7B

Agricultural analysts say Montana’s 2012 wheat crop was valued at a record $1.7 billion, making it the fifth time in six years that the crop has been valued at over $1 billion. The Billings Gazette reported farmers harvested 194.7 million …

Farm Values Soar in North Dakota in 2012

Farmland values in North Dakota in 2012 jumped 46 percent on average over the year, with demand from both farmers and investors, a new report concludes. The report from the North Dakota Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers …

Colorado University Seeks Farmers’ Experience With Drought

Researchers at Colorado State University want to hear from farmers across the state who have been affected by this year’s drought. The Fort Collins Coloradoan reported CSU agricultural economists want to gauge the full impact of the drought in hopes …

Willis Expands Acquaculture Division, Hires New Underwriter to Lead

Recent studies show that wild fish stocks around the world are declining faster than feared – with more than half of fisheries worldwide facing shrinking stocks. As a result the demand for farmed fish is intensifying and the aquaculture industry …

All 92 Ind. Counties Now Farming Disaster Areas

The federal government has now declared all 92 Indiana counties as agricultural disaster areas following the state’s worst drought in decades. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has added 12 Indiana counties as primary natural disaster areas, boosting to 78 the …

11 N La. Parishes Named Drought Disaster Areas

Louisiana Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain says the U.S. Department of Agriculture has designated 11 north Louisiana parishes as disaster areas because of drought. He says he was notified Wednesday that four – Morehouse, Richland, Union and West Carroll _ are …

Monsanto Wins Patent Suit Against DuPont in Genetically Modified Seed Case

Shares of Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company, rose on Thursday and DuPont shares fell after Monsanto won a $1 billion victory over its archrival in a lawsuit concerning patents in the agricultural seed market. The victory, which dealt with …

Colo. Ranchers Selling Off Cattle To Avoid Drought Loss

Ranchers in western Colorado are selling off cattle to avoid losing them to a severe drought. Livestock auctioneer Bill Martin of Loma says his auction barn usually sees between 200 and 400 cows a week, but this year the numbers …

$20M-Plus Crop Damage When Storm Shreds Central California Orchards

A fierce spring storm that shredded Central California orchards last month caused more than $20 million damage in Kings County. Other San Joaquin Valley counties are still tallying the damage to crops when quarter-sized hail pummeled the area on April …