AIG bailout lawsuit News

Goldman, JPMorgan CEOs Pursued Private Rescue for AIG

The heads of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and JPMorgan Chase & Co. told federal regulators days ahead of the 2008 government bailout of American International Group Inc. that they were putting together a private rescue of the insurance giant, a …

Federal Reserve Was Reluctant to Rescue AIG, Urged Private Sector Loan: Trial

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors didn’t want to bail out American International Group Inc. with an $85 billion loan, preferring that the insurer find a savior in the private marketplace, the Fed’s top lawyer told a judge. “We were …

Greenberg’s Lawyer Says U.S. Demonized, Extorted AIG Shareholders in Bailout

The U.S. extorted American International Group Inc. shareholders when it extended a $182 billion taxpayer bailout at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, a lawyer for Maurice “Hank” Greenberg said. Greenberg’s Starr International Co., AIG’s largest shareholder when the …

Trial Over Greenberg’s Challenge to AIG Bailout to Get Underway

One of the more unusual trials to come out of the 2008 financial crisis is set to begin on Monday, when a federal judge will consider whether the U.S. government’s rescue of American International Group Inc was, in fact, legal. …

AIG Decides Not to Join Bailout Lawsuit Against Government

The board of American International Group Inc. decided on Wednesday not to join a lawsuit against the U.S. government over the terms of the company’s bailout, following two days of fevered backlash from Congress and the public over the prospect. …