AIG breakup News

Credit Markets Oppose Splitting Up AIG

American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock has a bit of ammo as he meets Thursday with activist shareholder Carl Icahn: The credit market has been on the insurer’s side. The cost to protect bondholders against an AIG …

AIG CEO Hancock Rejects Icahn’s Breakup Plan

American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock dismissed activist investor Carl Icahn’s proposal to split the company into three insurers, saying a division would limit earnings diversity and reduce the value of some tax assets. The stock declined …

Activist Paulson Joins Icahn’s Call to Break Up AIG

Activist investor Carl Icahn said he owns a “large stake” in American International Group Inc. and urged the insurer to spin off its life and mortgage units into public companies to avoid being tagged as a systemically important financial institution. …