AIG CEO successor News

‘Numbers Guy’ Zaffino Expected to Succeed Duperreault as AIG CEO…Eventually

Peter Zaffino sat at 2 World Trade Center poring over financial reports on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when the first plane struck a neighboring building. Zaffino, known by colleagues for his laser-like focus, remained at his desk as …

AIG Picks Hamilton’s Duperreault as CEO

American International Group named Brian Duperreault as its new chief executive officer on Monday, selecting a protege of former CEO Hank Greenberg and an industry veteran known for his turnaround expertise. Duperreault, age 70, is the founder and chief executive …

AIG to Name Hamilton’s Duperreault as CEO: Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that American International Group Inc. plans to name Brian Duperreault, founder and CEO of Hamilton Insurance Group, as CEO, replacing Peter Hancock. The publication cited people familiar with the matter. Duperreault, 70, has extensive …

Hamilton’s Duperreault Among Candidates Being Considered as AIG CEO

American International Group Inc. is weighing a plan to hire Brian Duperreault as the company’s seventh chief executive officer since 2005, according to people familiar with the board’s deliberations. Other candidates are still being considered as the board seeks a …

Hancock Takes Over at AIG After Benmosche’s ‘Great Leadership’: Miller

The leadership transition at insurer American International Group Inc. is like switching generals after winning a war, Chairman Steve Miller said. “We’re changing generals as we move from wartime to peacetime,” Miller, 72, said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg …

After ‘Terrible’ Cancer Diagnosis, Benmosche Accelerated Exit from AIG

Robert Benmosche, who is stepping down this weekend after five years as American International Group Inc.’s chief executive officer, said he learned in May that he had nine months to a year to live. Benmosche, 70, said in an interview …

Under New CEO Hancock, Smaller AIG Expected to Focus on Growth

American International Group Inc. promoted Peter Hancock to chief executive officer as the company focuses on growth after his predecessor stabilized the insurer and paid back a 2008 government bailout. Hancock, 55, oversees property-casualty insurance and will be CEO and …

P/C Chief Hancock to Succeed Benmosche as AIG CEO, President

American International Group (AIG) has named Peter D. Hancock as president and chief executive officer, effective September 1. Hancock, who currently serves as executive vice president, AIG, and chief executive officer of AIG Property Casualty will succeed Robert H. Benmosche, …

Hancock, Wintrob Top Candidates to Be Next AIG CEO: WSJ

American International Group Inc.’s search for its next chief executive has narrowed down to two internal candidates, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter. Peter Hancock and Jay Wintrob have emerged as the likely candidates to …