AIG executive compensation News

‘I Have to Earn My Living,’ Says AIG CEO After Close Shareholder Vote on His Pay

American International Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Brian Duperreault said on Thursday the insurer is reaching out to shareholders, per its usual custom, who last month gave his $21 million compensation only narrow approval. Asked to comment on the recent …

AIG Revives Lucrative Top Executive Pay Packages of Pre-Bailout Glory Days

American International Group Inc.’s new Chief Executive Brian Duperreault has pledged to revive the insurer’s glory days of top talent, underwriting discipline and fat profit margins. One thing he has already brought back: big pay packages. As he rejoined AIG …

Hancock to Get $11.8 Million as Next AIG CEO

American International Group Inc.’s Peter Hancock will get a compensation package of $11.8 million a year as the insurer’s new chief executive officer. The short-term incentive will be $3.2 million of cash and the long-term will be $7 million in …

AIG Settles Dispute Over Real Estate Executive Pay for $274M

American International Group Inc. has agreed to settle a $274 million lawsuit by a former executive who said the insurer refused to pay him during the financial crisis in 2008. The settlement came as a trial was due to have …