aig icahn News

AIG Chairman Says Board Agrees with Outgoing CEO Hancock’s Turnaround Plan

American International Group Inc.’s chairman reaffirmed support for the course charted by Peter Hancock, even after the CEO announced he was stepping down because of insufficient investor backing. Chairman Doug Steenland, in his annual letter Monday, said that the board …

Critic Icahn Warms to AIG CEO Hancock’s Plans, Likes $3.4 Billion Deal

Carl Icahn, who won representation to the board of American International Group Inc. after threatening a proxy battle, said he’s warming to the approach of the insurer’s chief executive officer. ” Peter Hancock and I don’t see eye-to-eye on everything, …

AIG Chairman Defends Keeping Both Life and P/C Insurance Units

American International Group Inc., which is shrinking under pressure from activist investors, is committed to retaining operations in both life insurance and property/casualty coverage, Chairman Doug Steenland said. “We remain of the view that that is the right long-term position …

AIG Prize Fight Hancock vs. Icahn: Who’s Winning Now?

News that activist investor Carl Icahn has his eye on a company must make any chief executive officer feel a bit like a water buffalo that has suddenly realized it is being tracked by a hungry lion. So it’s worth …

AIG CEO Hancock Sees Opportunity in MetLife Systemic Risk Win

A judge’s ruling that MetLife Inc. is not “too big to fail” opens up an opportunity for insurer American International Group Inc. to seek an exemption from the tag, AIG Chief Executive Peter Hancock said on CNBC on Thursday. However, …

AIG Executives’ Pay Trimmed for Missing Profit Goals

American International Group Inc., the insurer being pressured by activist investors to split up, cut short-term incentive pay for Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock by 29 percent last year as he missed profit targets. The CEO received $2.5 million from …