AIG ratings News

Ratings Agencies Uphold Their Ratings on AIG

Despite American International Group’s poor 2016 fourth quarter earnings performance, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s both have affirmed the insurer’s ratings, with a few qualifiers slipped in. The struggling insurance giant lost $3.0 billion, or $2.96 per share, compared …

S&P Ratings Reacts to AIG’s Pending Q4 Reserve Charge

American International Group’s anticipated reserve charge has attracted the attention of Standard & Poor’s, which has downgraded certain ratings in light of the disclosure. S&P said it lowered AIG’s long-term counterparty credit and senior unsecured debt ratings to ‘BBB+’ from …

AIG, Fitch Put AIG Under Review Citing Reinsurance Deal, Reserve Adjustment

American International Group won’t be reporting its Q4 2016 financials until Feb. 14, but a disclosure about a “material adverse reserve adjustment” from the insurer for its U.S. commercial business drew warnings from both A.M. Best and Fitch Ratings. A.M. …