AIG turnaround News

Zaffino, AIG’s No. 2, Fights to Turn Around the House That Hank Greenberg Built

American International Group Inc.’s Peter Zaffino drew a clear line ahead of his jump to the insurer almost three years ago. “I didn’t want any advice,” Zaffino, AIG’s president, said in a rare sit-down interview. “I needed to see things …

AIG Chairman Says Board Agrees with Outgoing CEO Hancock’s Turnaround Plan

American International Group Inc.’s chairman reaffirmed support for the course charted by Peter Hancock, even after the CEO announced he was stepping down because of insufficient investor backing. Chairman Doug Steenland, in his annual letter Monday, said that the board …

UBS Analysis: Poor Morale Could Hurt AIG Turnaround, Hiring

A morale crisis at American International Group Inc. could prevent the U.S. insurance company from keeping and hiring the talent it needs to propel it through its financial turnaround, UBS said in an analysis on Monday. AIG ranked last through …

AIG Executives Hope Meetings Reassure Analysts, Investors

American International Group Inc. executives have been meeting with investors and analysts to build confidence in the insurer and its turnaround plan amid uncertainty over a replacement for outgoing Chief Executive Officer Peter Hancock. Chief Financial Officer Sid Sankaran, commercial …

Ex-CEO Benmosche Writing Book on Turnaround at AIG

Robert Benmosche is working on a book about turning around American International Group Inc. Benmosche’s memoir focuses on the five years he led AIG and is slated to be published in late 2015 or early 2016 by St. Martin’s Press, …