AIG News

Obama Financial Regulatory Reform to Target Ailing Firms

President Barack Obama will propose shaking up U.S. financial regulation to protect the economy and improve government handling of failing firms, an administration official told Reuters Wednesday. Intended to prevent problems like the 2008 blow-ups of Bear Stearns and Lehman …

AIG Weighs Selling Pine Street Headquarters Building in Manhattan

American International Group Inc., being kept afloat by a $180 billion government bailout, may sell its downtown Manhattan headquarters. “AIG is evaluating the potential sale of its headquarters building at 70 Pine Street and the 72 Wall Street building,” said …

AIG CEO Liddy: ‘I Need All The Help I Can Get’

The head of the nation’s most vilified corporation sat before irate lawmakers at a U.S. congressional hearing Wednesday and was assured, “We don’t intend to harass you.” Then the harassment began. Edward Liddy, chairman and chief executive of insurer American …

U.S. House Passes Measure to Recoup AIG Bonuses

The U.S. House of Representatives swiftly passed a bill Thursday to recoup controversial bonuses paid to American International Group Inc. as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner tried to calm the furor by taking responsibility. In the face of public outrage at …

U.S. to Claw Back AIG Bonuses, Congress Eyes Taxing Recipients

The Obama administration turned up the heat on AIG Tuesday over its employee bonuses, saying the embattled insurer will be forced to repay U.S. taxpayers before it gets another bailout of $30 billion. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner laid out the …

AIG CEO Liddy to Appear Before House Committee Today

American International Group CEO and Chairman Edward Liddy is among those scheduled to testify before a House subcomittee today on Capitol Hill. The hearing of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises will be …

AIG’s Liddy Says Taxpayers Will Be Repaid

Public anger over the bailout of U.S. financial firms is understandable, but taxpayers should know that American International Group plans to repay the money, chief executive Edward Liddy said in an opinion piece published in The Washington Post Wednesday. “I …

73 AIG Employees Got $1 Million Bonuses, Says New York AG Cuomo

American International Group Inc., which has received $180 billion in taxpayer money to stay in business, created 73 millionaires with bonuses of $1 million or more in 2008, New York’s top legal officer said on Tuesday. New York Attorney General …

Regulators: AIG Not Using Bailout Funds to Underprice Insurance

Despite some complaints by competitors, American International Group (AIG) does not appear to be using federal bailout funds to lower its insurance prices to keep and attract business, state and federal officials told a House subcommittee today. Representatives for the …

AIG Asks Financial Products Employees To Give Up Half of Bonuses

American International Group Financial Products (AIGFP) employees who received retention bonuses in excess of $100,000 have been asked to return half of the bonuses, AIG CEO Edward Liddy told lawmakers on Capitol Hill today. AIG paid the employees up to …