airline insurance News

Singapore Airlines Offers Compensation for Flight Hit by Turbulence

Singapore Airlines has sent compensation offers to passengers on a flight last month from London to Singapore that ran into severe turbulence, causing dozens of injuries and a death, the carrier said on Tuesday. Passengers with minor injuries have been …

COVID Vaccine Rollout Spurs Demand for Extra Insurance Coverage

LONDON โ€“ Speedy global delivery of COVID-19 vaccines by air and sea in ultra cold conditions will lead to a jump in cargo insurance rates and spur demand for new areas of coverage, leaving underwriters on high alert. Pharmaceutical companies …

Is the Aviation Insurance Market Ready for a COVID-19 Vaccine?

As the development, and possible mass production, of COVID-19 (C-19) vaccines gather speed, the transportation and logistics industry will need to turn its attention to how the product can be safely and efficiently distributed. Recent figures from the International Air …

Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways Offers Passengers Coronavirus Insurance

Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways on Monday said it would cover medical and quarantine costs for passengers if they contract the new coronavirus after traveling on one of its flights. Airlines around the world are trying to find ways to stimulate …

New York Lawmakers Push for Airline Safety Devices

Two U.S. legislators urged the government to study whether American passenger jets should be equipped with devices protecting them against missiles like the one that brought down a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine and projectiles fired near Tel Aviv’s airport. U.S. …

Rescheduled Asiana Crash Hearing to Probe Pilot Reliance on Automation

A U.S. safety regulator’s hearing on the July 6 crash of an Asiana Airlines Inc. plane in San Francisco was postponed today due to the federal government’s weather-related closing. The day hearing will be rescheduled and may begin as soon …

Top 10 U.S. Aircraft Insurers: SNL

American International Group Inc. (AIG) has been reported to be the lead insurer for the recent Asiana Flight 214 tragedy in San Francisco. AIG’s role is not surprising, given its presence in Asia and focus on the aviation market, according …