Al Gore News

Editor’s Note: Getting on the green wagon

Green seems to be shaping up as the symbolic and operable color of this millennium. Maybe it’s because of Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, but the environment and going “green” has been the editorial focus of a slew of …

Gallagher Begins Ground Game in GOP Gubernatorial Primary

Tom Gallagher approached Robb Mercado in Valrico, Fla. as he sat outside his house reading the newspaper Saturday and soon was involved in a long discussion about problems with the homeowners insurance market, education and other topics. Just the day …

His ‘Indignation’ Rising, Nader Vows to Restart Auto Safety Engine

More than 40 years after “Unsafe at Any Speed” shook up the auto industry, Ralph Nader is returning to his roots. The longtime consumer advocate and former presidential candidate contends the auto industry has failed to push technology that could …

Business, Republicans, Even Democrats Sorry to See Oxley Go

Republican Rep. Mike Oxley announced this week that he will retire, depriving Congress of one of its most powerful champions for corporate oversight and insurance protection. His departure at the end of his term in January 2007 isn’t likely to …

Clinton Initiative Pledges Total $1.25 Billion; Gaza Terrorist Cover

Former President Bill Clinton closed a very successful initial conference in New York for his Global Initiative with commitments of $1.25 billion. The 3-day event, organized by the ex-President to coincide with the current United Nations Anniversary summit meetings, focused …

Another Major Shift

Only few would disagree that we are on the threshold of an economic revolution of some kind. No one knows just what it is yet because it is all around us and we have no high point from which we …


Presidential candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore are being urged by the National Association of Independent Insurers to maintain the moratorium against granting Mexican trucks full access to American highways until compliance with U.S. safety, insurance and competency standards …

Insurance Groups Voice NAFTA Concerns

The provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement have been in place for several years, but Mexico and the U.S. have yet to simplify cross-border shipping by implementing a feasible cross-border insurance system similar to that with Canada. The …

NAFTA Moratorium Continuation Urged

Presidential candidates George W. Bush and Al Gore are being urged by the National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) to maintain the moratorium against granting Mexican trucks full access to American highways until compliance with U.S. safety, insurance and competency …

Bush To Propose Nursing Home Bill

Presidential candidate George W. Bush will unveil today a proposal to offer tax incentives to buy insurance for nursing home care and financial relief for people who care for a parent or elderly person at home. The idea was fueled …