Alabama 3M Co. lawsuit News

Alabama City Officials Drop Chemical Contamination Lawsuit

Officials in the northwest Alabama city of Guin have dropped a lawsuit against chemical giant 3M that alleged chemicals from its manufacturing plant had entered a creek that supplies drinking water to the community. The Guin Water works & Sewer …

Alabama School System to Sue 3M Over Contamination

A north Alabama school system has taken the first step to sue 3M Co. over claims that chemicals are leaking from a closed landfill that is on school system property. News outlets reported that Decatur’s school system filed notice last …

Judge Rejects Bid to Dismiss Alabama Water Contamination Lawsuit

A federal judge in Alabama is refusing to dismiss an environmental group’s lawsuit over alleged chemical contamination in the Tennessee River. The Decatur Daily reports U.S. District Judge Abdul Kallon won’t throw out claims in a lawsuit filed by the …

North Alabama Water Diluted to Lower Contamination Levels

A water system that had to tell its 10,000 customers not to drink from their taps has brought chemical contamination down to federally acceptable levels by diluting it with water from another north Alabama utility, officials said Tuesday. Even so, …