Alabama Insurance Commissioner Jim Ridling News

Alabama Issues Industry Guidance on COVID-19, Classifies Insurance as Essential

Alabama Commissioner of Insurance Jim Ridling has asked insurers writing business in the state to consider leniency and flexibility for policyholders in light of the current coronavirus outbreak, as well as confirmed that insurance operations can continue during shutdown orders. …

Alabama Establishes New Mitigation Discounts for IBHS Fortified Structures

The Alabama Department of Insurance (ALDOI) has established new wind mitigation discounts for property insurance for Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) Fortified residential and commercial structures in Alabama. Under Bulletin 2016-07, discounts range from 35 percent to …

NAIC Re-Accredits Alabama Department of Insurance for 5-Year Term

The Alabama Department of Insurance (ALDOI) announced Aug. 31 that it has been re-accredited by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) for a 5-year term. The ALDOI received its first NAIC accreditation in 1995. “I’m very proud of our …