Alabama medical marijuana bill News

Alabama House Committee Advances Medical Marijuana Bill

A medical marijuana bill on Wednesday cleared its first major hurdle in the Alabama House of Representatives. The House Judiciary Committee approved the bill after lengthy debate and multiple amendment attempts. The bill now goes to the Health Committee after …

Alabama Senate Approves Medical Marijuana Bill

A medical marijuana bill cleared its first floor vote Thursday in the Alabama Legislature as advocates hope to make headway after years of setbacks. The Alabama Senate vote 22-10 for the bill by Republican Sen. Tim Melson after five hours …

Medical Marijuana Bill Clears Alabama Senate Committee

A medical marijuana bill cleared its first hurdle Wednesday in the Alabama Legislature, giving hope to advocates after years of setbacks. Audience members applauded as the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-1 for the bill, putting it in line for a …

Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Headed to Governor

The Alabama legislature on Wednesday voted to decriminalize medicinal marijuana oil possession. In a 95-4 vote in the House of Representatives and a 29-3 vote in the Senate, legislators supported a bill supporters say is a bid to help families …