Alabama tornado survivors News

Alabama Museum Exhibit Recalls 2011 Tornadoes

An oral history of the tornadoes that devastated Tuscaloosa and the surrounding area on April 27, 2011, will be exhibited later this month at the Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum. The exhibit, “Listening to the Storm: A Natural Disaster in …

Michigan Volunteers Work on Alabama Storm-Damaged Houses

A group of 70 volunteers from Michigan recently installed floors and insulation and did a myriad of repairs to five tornado-damaged houses in Pleasant Grove and Birmingham’s Pratt City community. The group was made up of high school students and …

Alabama Rescuers Search Homes for Tornado Survivors

Searchers in the Birmingham area were going from house-to-house early Monday in an effort to rescue people trapped in their homes after storms moved across the Midwest and South, prompting tornado warnings in a handful of states. Fire crews were …

Alabama Tornado Survivors Sought for Interviews

Public health agencies are looking to interview survivors of the killer tornadoes that hit north and central Alabama on April 27. State Health Officer Don Williamson said the goal is to explore ways to lessen the loss of lives and …