Alabama News

New Markets

Outdoor Sports Nuts & Bolts: Markel’s Outdoors is a niche program for guide and outfitting professionals, private sporting clubs and hunting/fishing lodges. Marketed through select retail insurance agents. Dollars: Limits $300 to $1 million. Minimum premiums based on $1 million …


$2,358 in rental assistance paid to one individual concurrent with payment of approximately $8,000 for that registrant to stay 70 nights–at more than $100 per night–in a hotel in Hawaii. The GAO found that the individual did not live at …

New Markets

Equipment Policies Nuts & Bolts: Britt Paulk Insurance Agency Inc. is offering an equipment policy program that includes agriculture, forestry, construction and lawn and garden. The coverage is first party physical damage for contractors’ equipment. Classes include contractors, agricultural, forestry, …

People and Places

Swett & Crawford Group, based in Atlanta, Ga., has named Elizabeth Edelman, J.D., general counsel. Edelman comes from RBC Centura Bank, a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada, where for five years she had been general counsel, vice president …

Lawyers Overseeing Layers

No country has as many lawyers as the United States — more than 152,000 in California alone — three times as many as in all of France. Nor does any other country rely as heavily on the legal profession to …

Lawyers Overseeing Lawyers: Can lawyers police themselves? A new look at self-regulation

No country has as many lawyers as the United States – more than 152,000 in California alone – three times as many as in all of France. Nor does any other country rely as heavily on the legal profession to …

Giarini, Sellitsch Named to Insurance Hall of Fame

The International Insurance Society announced that Orio Giarini, of Switzerland’s Geneva Association and Siegfried Sellitsch of Austria’s Wiener Staedtische have been named to the prestigious Insurance Hall of Fame. They will be honored in Chicago, July 17, 2006, at the …

Uninsured Drivers Increasing; Vary by State; Miss. Highest, Maine Lowest

Tenn. Professional Insurance Agents Elect Officers

William B. Oldham, III was elected president of the Professional Insurance Agents of Tennessee Inc. during the association’s annual convention in Orange Beach, Ala. Oldham is president of Oldham Insurance Inc. in Knoxville, Tenn. Other officers elected by PIA of …

Regular Church Attendance Could Offer Unique Insurance ‘Blessings’

West Des Moines, Iowa-based GuideOne Insurance says being a faithful churchgoer could provide some real insurance blessings. GuideOne’s year old insurance product, FaithGuard, an auto and homeowners insurance policy with specific benefits for churchgoers, has been on the market for …